Smyrna No. 1 (士麦那 1 号)

  • 得分: 劲道力量 (strength): 3
    质地薄厚 (body & depth): 4
    层次变化 (complexity): 4
    香精调味 (flavoring): 2
    室韵臭香 (room note): 2

    喜爱度 (popularity): 4
    类别: V
    品牌: McClelland
    中译名/俗称: 士麦那 1 号
    系列: Grand Orientals
    生产商: McClelland
    原产地: 美国
    产地: 美国
    成份: 土耳其烟草 (Turkish)、弗吉尼亚 (Virginia)
    形制: 标准烟丝 (Ribbon)
    包装: 50g/2oz 罐装
    会员参与: 有 0 位会员抽过 (我抽过,查看), 有 0 位会员爱抽 (我爱抽,查看).
    数据统计: 4291 次浏览, 1 条点评, 0 条留言, 1 张图片
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Back when Istanbul was Constantinople, Izmir tobacco was Smyrna. "A rose by any other name..." These tiny, top-grade tobacco leaves from mountainous Western Turkey across from the Island of Khlos have long been prized as the most aromatic of all Orientals. They grown dense and extremely fragrant in this dry country moistened by Mediterranean Sea breezes. Smyrna is the defining ingredient in this sophisticated Oriental blend. Also, there's a whole Smyrna leaf on the inside top of the tin-- leaves of oriental varietals are quite small compared to the Virginias and Burleys that most of us would readily recognize.
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  • 劲道力量 (strength)
  • 质地薄厚 (body & depth)
  • 层次变化 (complexity)
  • 香精调味 (flavoring)
  • 室韵臭香 (room note)

本着试一下的态度打开刚到手的Smyrna No. 1,Mcc的招牌味道浓郁的番茄酱味溢出,烟丝清洁干净,点火后初始即有一股浓郁的东方烟草的香气,持续至后段,香气不俗,像是《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》中的女主角优美的东方舞蹈一样迷人且带有一种神秘感。可能是东方烟草的原因,略有刺鼻,小口抽吸,即可减轻。但价格较高。



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