Pipes: Artisans and Trademarks ()

  • 得分: 立意内容 (content): 5
    装帧印刷 (printing & arts): 5
    专业信度 (credibility & expertness): 4

    综合得分 (overall): 4.7
    作者: Jose Manuel Lopes
    出版单位: N/A
    语言: 英文
    装帧: 精装 (hardcover)
    定价 (RMB): 0.00 元人民币
    定价 (USD): 0.00
    官网: http://
    会员参与: 有 0 位会员想读 (我想读,查看), 有 0 位会员读过 (我读过,查看).
    数据统计: 4650 次浏览, 1 条点评, 1 条留言, 1 张图片
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Finally! Mr. Lopes took the pipe world by storm with his beautiful, exhaustive and informative Cachimbos in 2004. Informative, that is, if you can puzzle out Portuguese! Fortunately, no Portuguese is required for this English edition! The English edition, translated by Mick Greer, features a new introduction by Greg Pease and a forward by Ben Rapaport. In addition to that, it includes fifty pipe makers not included in the Portuguese edition. We couldn't be more excited about the English edition-- it's been a long time in the works. This is, without question, the finest, most comprehensive, most beautiful book on pipes ever published. Epic in its scope (and dimensions!), it serves primarily as an index of pipe makers, though it also includes historical and background notes on pipes and pipe smoking. The book itself is spectacular, featuring many hundreds of photographs of pipes and pipe makers rendered beautifully on heavy, glossy paper.
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