Sweet Fragrant (香甜)

  • 得分: 劲道力量 (strength): 0
    质地薄厚 (body & depth): 0
    层次变化 (complexity): 0
    香精调味 (flavoring): 0
    室韵臭香 (room note): 0

    喜爱度 (popularity): 0
    类别: 调味
    品牌: Rattray
    中译名/俗称: 香甜
    生产商: K&K
    原产地: 英国
    产地: 德国
    成份: 黑板烟 (Black Cavendish)、白肋烟 (Burley)、弗吉尼亚 (Virginia)
    调味料/香型: 香草 (Vanilla)、果香 (fruits)
    形制: 碎切片 (Broken Flake/Ready Rubbed)
    包装: 100g/4oz 罐装
    会员参与: 有 0 位会员抽过 (我抽过,查看), 有 0 位会员爱抽 (我爱抽,查看).
    数据统计: 2716 次浏览, 0 条点评, 0 条留言, 1 张图片
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Various Virginia and Burley tobaccos as well as broad and fine flakes make the character of this mixture. The various medium and coarse as well as cube cuts force the aromtatic fruity flavor in this mixture. The extravagant composition of this mixture you simply have to taste and your companions will feel enthusiastic about the interesting aroma of this tobacco.


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