Oriental (东方)

  • 得分: 劲道力量 (strength): 2.4
    质地薄厚 (body & depth): 3.1
    层次变化 (complexity): 3.1
    香精调味 (flavoring): 1.6
    室韵臭香 (room note): 3.1

    喜爱度 (popularity): 3.9
    类别: L
    品牌: Robert McConnell
    中译名/俗称: 东方
    生产商: Kohlhase, Kopp und Co. KG
    原产地: 英国
    产地: 德国
    成份: 黑板烟 (Black Cavendish)、拉塔基亚 (Latakia)、东方烟草 (Oriental)、土耳其烟草 (Turkish)、弗吉尼亚 (Virginia)
    形制: 标准烟丝 (Ribbon)
    包装: 50g/2oz 罐装
    会员参与: 有 0 位会员抽过 (我抽过,查看), 有 0 位会员爱抽 (我爱抽,查看).
    数据统计: 11688 次浏览, 7 条点评, 0 条留言, 7 张图片
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Our Oriental complicated mixture. The effort required to produce this tobacco has an impact on smoking. As the name suggests, this is predominantly a mixture of Turkish, Syrian and Cypriot - including Eastern Mediterranean - bright tobaccos. Produced for the first time in early 1800, it is one of our earliest mixtures. Selected small leaves from the hills of Macedonia and the Levant, along with Bright Leaf of Carolina and Red Old Belt of Virginia are rested for a week in order to merge the flavors. Then Carolina Black Cavendish is added, and the entire mixture is stored loosely until it is needed.


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