Curly Block ()

  • 得分: 劲道力量 (strength): 3.7
    质地薄厚 (body & depth): 4.3
    层次变化 (complexity): 3.3
    香精调味 (flavoring): 1
    室韵臭香 (room note): 3

    喜爱度 (popularity): 4.7
    类别: V
    品牌: Peter Heinrichs
    生产商: Mac Baren
    原产地: 德国
    产地: 丹麦
    成份: 珀里克 (Perique)、弗吉尼亚 (Virginia)
    调味料/香型: 果香 (fruits)
    形制: 扭绳 (Rope)
    包装: 8oz 袋装
    会员参与: 有 0 位会员抽过 (我抽过,查看), 有 0 位会员爱抽 (我爱抽,查看).
    数据统计: 11111 次浏览, 3 条点评, 0 条留言, 1 张图片
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This pipe tobacco unicum was made of high quality Virginia grades and a breath [of] Perique. The characteristic form get the "round" block by a form in which the tobacco was put. For at least 6 weeks the mixture rests in the press, ferments gently after and reveals the multilayered taste nuances. After the aging period the broad rope [is] divided into blocks at 250 grams each. At smoking the connoisseur can expect wonderful, natur[al] sweet notes. Perique enriches the mixture by spicyness, strength, and discreet fruity flavours. The tobacco is of middle strength and full flavour.


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